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Metals for Milling

The milling of metal is particularly appealing in dentistry because it eliminates the risk of mis-casting the desired restoration. Two different types of metals are used for milling dental restorations: titanium and chrome cobalt. Both of these metals are biocompatible and corrosion-resistant, making them ideal for use in dentistry.

Chrome cobalt (CrCo) lends itself to inexpensive milled crown-and-bridge frameworks onto which porcelain can be built. There are two ways by which a user can process chrome cobalt substructures, implant bars, and telescope retainers in the laboratory. One is by utilizing a robust mill that is capable of milling CrCo pucks in solid form (solid state); the second involves using a conventional benchtop mill and a softer dry CrCo mill material such as Ceramill Sintron by Amann Girrbach.

The softer material mills like wax and is sintered in an argon gas environment to produce a solid-state CrCo metal.

Titanium blanks with the appropriate machined implant interface are available to mill custom abutments. .

Garland Dental carries metals for your milling needs. Shop with confidence!

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