Another highly versatile blasting media, glass beads can also be recycled and stored for a long time. Glass beads produce a smoother, more sophisticated finish on surfaces. Due to their round shape, they tend to imprint on a surface without causing any actual loss of the target material.
Glass Beads are used to divest chrome cobalt, non-precious crown and bridge alloys, and all-ceramic cases. May also be used to polish chrome cobalt frameworks.
Glass beads are highly recommended for peening or surface prep on stainless steel or delicate, thin-walled material. They are also a popular option for deburring or removing calcium deposits.
Grain shape: spherical. Glass beads are tough and round.
Common applications:
- Lossless material cleaning
- Deburring
- Cosmetic/decorative finishing
- Polishing
- Peening
- Texturing